Historical Earnings Surprises and Revenue Forecasts
Profit is the most critical financial performance measure. Every investor in a business is looking forward to the earnings report as stock price to increase when earnings exceed market expectations and progressively decrease when earnings do not meet expectations. The firm reported an earnings per share (EPS) of -$2.4 during the last quarter as opposed to a consensus estimate of -$3, which indicates the company beat its estimate by $0.6, which implies that the company surprised the market by 20.00%. It appears that the average earnings per share estimate for the current quarter (ending in Jun 2024) is -$2.7. This is an average of 1 analysts’ earnings, where the high earnings per share estimate is -$2.7 and the low earnings per share estimate is -$2.7. According to 1 analyst estimates, an average revenue estimate of $20.9M is projected for the current quarter with a high revenue estimate of $20.9M and a low estimate of $20.9M.
The latest trade, Performances and Moving Averages give us the following Picture
The firm’s stock price fluctuated 0.77% within the last five trades and -63.24% within the last 30 trades, which was a significant change from the beginning of this year. Despite the fact that the share price decreased -86.08% in the last 6 months and 38.62% was added to its value over the previous 3 months. PEGY stock is trading at a margin of -25.09%, -19.50% and -77.61% apart from the 20-Day, 50-Day and 200-Day Simple Moving Average prices.
As of the close of trading, PEGY deals in the Technology domain. The stock is trading -93.89 percent below its 52-week high and 113.01 percent above its 52-week low. For example, looking both at the price and the high and low measurements of 52 weeks will give you a clearer picture of the direction the price is heading. The firm’s Weighted Alpha is -84.44. A positive weighted alpha indicates the firm has done well over the course of the year, whereas one below 0 indicates that the firm has done poorly.
What Does Pineapple Energy Inc’s Profitability and Valuation Ratios Tell Us About the Stock?
With regard to the profitability of the company, the operating margin is currently at -10.35 percent and the profit margin is -22.18 percent, and the company has reported a gross margin of 28.70 percent. The profit margin, also known as the revenue ratio or gross profit ratio, is an efficiency figure used to estimate the business’s profitability by comparing net income and sales. The higher the number, the more profits are generated for the company and vice versa.
The stock’s market cap achieved a total value of $9.48 million as of the last trading session. Market capitalization is the total value of all outstanding shares of a corporation and it is used to measure a company’s market value. Forward price-to-earnings is calculated using predicted earnings for the next financial year’s P/E determination. The stock has achieved an effective Price-to-Sales Ratio of 0.13 that mirrors the cost to be found for sales by the market.
Is Insider Trading a Real Thing?
Almost all investors and traders prefer to invest in shares controlled by the management of a corporation as a management company will be more likely to run the business itself and to never conduct things against the management’s desires and will always try to do what is best for their shareholders. Currently, 9.94 percent of Pineapple Energy Inc shares are owned by insiders, and 8.85 percent are held by financial institutions. Holland Tom, the Director at Pineapple Energy Inc (PEGY) has bought 3,000 shares of firm on Jun 14 ’24 at a price of $1.30 against the total amount of $3915.0. In another inside trade, Maskin Scott, Director of Pineapple Energy Inc (NASDAQ:PEGY) bought 15,000 shares of the firm on Jun 13 ’24 for a total worth of $21450.0 at a price of $1.43. An inside trade which took place on Jun 13 ’24, Director of Pineapple Energy Inc Lacey Roger HD bought 12,250 shares of firm against total price of $20212.0 at the cost of $1.65 per share.